Battenkill CC 90th Birthday Bash on Saturday, August 29, 2015!

On Saturday, August 29th the Battenkill Country Club (BCC) will be celebrating their 90th birthday with golf and food and fun! Festivities on the 29th include golf and a picnic in the early evening. Capital Area Golf Expo is the event’s major sponsor. There are opportunities to show your support as well through hole sponsorship, participating in golf, attending the picnic or perhaps donating a prize. In addition to golf there will be contests, raffles and the Labatt Blue Girls will be there handing out giveaways in the afternoon too! Among the prizes identified to date are free 18 hole greens fees to any course of the 8 golf courses in Green County, golf for four at the Sagamore’s Lake George golf course and many others.

The format will be a four person scramble with a shot gun start, with morning and afternoon flights. The Course can assist in matching up single players. Hole sponsorships are $100, 18-holes with cart is $75 (includes lunch and BBQ dinner). The cost of the BBQ dinner without golf is $20 per person. Dinner will include a silent auction and raffle for a 4 night trip to the Peter Dye Golf Lodge in the Dominican Republic. Proceeds for the event will go towards a much needed roof after 90 years, and golf course improvements with any leftover funds.

The Battenkill Country Club is a semi-private, not for profit, nine hole course located off Route 29/40 in the Town of Greenwich. The 9‐hole course has alternate tees from which to play the “front” and “back” nines with a total yardage of 5878. It is also open to the public and for league and tournement play. Battenkill is the home course for Greenwich and Hoosick Valley High School Golf Teams.

Battenkill C.C. has been a great part of the surrounding communities for many years. In 1925 local leaders decided in the early winter of 1925 to build a golf course for the townspeople of Greenwich, NY, and its surrounds. The golf professional at nearby McGregor Links, in Saratoga Springs, was engaged to scout suitable land and, afterwards, to layout the course. Seventy-four acres within the flood plain in a basin of the Battenkill River was found and the land was leased from the downstream paper mill. The Falls can be viewed from several areas on the Course.

Please contact the Director of Golf, Bill Wigand at 692-9179 or if you would like to play or can support the event in any way.

Please join us in celebrating a bit of Greenwich’s history!


* Players who pay first will get preference between Morning and Afternoon Flights. Make checks payable to Battenkill Country Club and send to PO Box 127, 593 Route 29, Greenwich NY 12834. Or just stop into the clubhouse!

* Individual registrations are welcome. Battenkill Country Club will organize foursomes.

* Entry fee includes golf, cart, lunch and BBQ dinner.


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Phone Number

Hole Sponsor ($100)
Individual Sign-Up ($75)
Foursome ($300)

Player #1 Name

Player #1 Email

Player #1 Phone (optional)

Player #2 Name

Player #2 Email

Player #2 Phone (optional)

Player #3 Name

Player #3 Email

Player #3 Phone (optional)

Player #4 Name

Player #4 Email

Player #4 Phone (optional)